😬 You've only got 125
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  • Writer's pictureAlycia Yerves

😬 You've only got 125

Updated: Aug 23, 2021




According to the Social Report, the best Instagram character length is under 125 characters so that it can be seen when someone is scrolling through their Instagram feed.

If it's any longer than this, people will need to click “See more”. Unless they're dedicated, they might lose attention. You've probably noticed this when scrolling. Some people don't get to the point or grab you with a "hook" right away with those initial 125 characters -- and therefore, you never see their actual caption unless you click 'see more'.

You can certainly write more than 125 characters, but if you don't snag someone's eye with that opening line, the rest of your caption doesn't matter b/c it won't be seen unless they click on “see more”. You're putting time/effort into writing those captions… if you want them to be seen, be strategic about your opening line! Don't waste space with emojis and blank spaces.

Headlines are headlines for a reason!


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